Monday, May 24, 2010

lets start at the start...

alright, a few details need to be ironed out:
you should know that previously I have been highly opposed to the idea of blogging. Something about assuming that my thoughts, ideas, confusions, and joys are important enough to publish to the world wide web turned me off in a big way.

to say the least something has changed...
I'm not sure if it's the fact that i am facing the side effects of a steroid filled allergy shot, or that i am going into my sophomore year of college as an English major(why i do this to myself, i do not know...), but for some reason I decided a blog was maybe the best thing I could possibly do.

It seems to be a good idea because sometimes, like most functioning human beings, I am unable to express my thoughts through the spoken word, but that doesn't change the fact that my thoughts are still important and should still be heard.

I think this blog is more for me. Its an outlet in which I can work through the many wonderings and wanderings of my overly active mind. Bear with me readers...I don't want to presume that I have any readers, but if you chose to read the contents of my mind I ask that you not roll your eyes and say to yourself "what a juvenile, she knows not what she says".
I am fully aware that most of the time my thoughts are nothing more than roughly organized ramblings, but they are who I am on a completely raw and real real as it gets.

And on that note I have only one more thing to say, I named this blog ordinary to extraordinary because that is the way I wish to daily live my life. I want to choose to live my life with the mentality that every single moment can be taken from ordinary to extraordinary. That in faith the Lord can carry every moment and make it a glorious, fulfilled moment in which He can manifest His love, His power, His glory, the fullness of who He is. That is why i am writing ordinary to extraordinary, because I want to share the moments, revelations, and "God-winks" that the Lord chooses to place in my life.

never forget to thank God for every single situation that He has placed in Your life, the good and bad, because they are all a smaller portion of His greater plan. So be thankful, let go of bitterness and discontent, and live every moment extraordinarily.

without consequence or regret,

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