I went on a mission trip to Belize with a group of 15 ninth and tenth graders and it was absolutely incredible! God moved in such amazing ways, especially in the hearts of the students. We spent 7 days in villages playing with children and sharing the love of Christ with the people that we encountered. It was so beautiful to see the light and love being pour
ed out from these young people. It is so awesome to be reminded that God's plan is gonna be carried through anyone who loves and follows Him, I loved seeing Him work through our students, I miss the trip so so much.
God didn't only work through the students, but He did a lot of work in my heart. A couple years ago I went on a mission trip to Memphis and my life was changed, the Lord showed me that my heart truly loves the city and working with students in the inner city. While I was in Belize, although I loved the ministry and the children we met, my heart longed for
the city. It was amazing and completely new and it was so exciting to
see God reveal more of Himself and His plan to me. Ever since Belize I have been so focused on the city(this means any city, not one in particular) and the future work that God has for me ther
e. I have been super focused on checking out different cities and seeing the options that I have for the future. I have no idea where I'll be, but I want to teach and live and be a part of a community and serve and love. It is my heart and I cannot wait to see what God has in store!
This brings me to my newest desire...I want to go to LA...so so so bad. I have no idea where it came from, or why, but I just got this hankering for some LA life. I think a big part of it is Erwin McManus' church called Mosaic. I really respect McManus and work that he is doing in trying to bring restoration to his city and I really want to be involved in a project like his. But seriously, I just want to go to LA and live there...its such a big and needy city and
want to be a part of the work that God is doing there.
want to be a part of the work that God is doing there.
LA LA LA...lets go...NOW
I freakin love GOD! Oh my goodness. He is huge and right here, right now. He is it. done and done.