Thursday, August 25, 2011


"are not there little chapters in everybodys life that seem like nothing, and yet affect all the rest of history?"
-William Makepeace Thackeray

thats a good thing about being an english major, i'm always finding the greatest quotes. This one comes from Vanity Fair by Thackeray, he's kinda brilliant.

so i've been thinking about God a lot lately. What i've been thinking is that i want to be like Hosea and Jeremiah...and that directly relates to God. You see Hosea and Jeremiah were two really, really faithful men in the Bible that God called to really difficult missions, and rather than running or arguing or fighting God, they simply obeyed. I think often times people think that obedience and submission are signs of weakness, but i think they are actually a sign of true strength. There is nothing weak about saying "not my will be done, but Yours", i mean really think about it, that one sentence is essentially saying "despite my desires for comfort and safety and my own way, i would rather have Your way, even if it means poverty, pain, and uncertainty". But heres the thing, thats what we are called too. I think a lot of times we tell ourselves that we are living in submission to the Lord, we say that we are willing to follow His call wherever it leads, but are we really? How often do we glaze over a word from God simply because it is hard? "What Jesus says is hard, it is only easy when it is heard by those who have His disposition. Beware of allowing anything to soften a hard word of Jesus Christ"(chambers). Am i willing to lay down my desires, bypass all practicality and tell Jesus that all that matters to me that His will be done in my life? Am i willing to be a pawn? Am i willing to accept the fact that my life is just a sentence in the fullness of His story? if i truly want God's will i have to let go of me. i have to let go of it all and be fully His, not mine. I want that. I want to abide.

Father, make me invisble, that You may be seen more clearly.


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