Monday, January 24, 2011

love you oh so well

Just whatever pops into my head.
1. i've had the same winter coat since the 8th grade. thats 6 years.
2. i love corn. both on and off the cob.
3. i have never had a recurring dream.
4. i want to name one of my sons ross and one of my daughters lorelei.
5. i have comfort zones that i go to when i'm sick. for instance every time i am out due to sickness or injury my mom buys me a new coloring book and i color for hours, it makes me feel better.
6. sometimes i wish i was a political science major
7. my two favorite college core classes have been american government and macroeconomics. i got a's in both of them. hence the desire to be a poli sci major.
8. if i was the only person who purchased red diamond sweet tea they would most certainly stay in business.
9. i wish that people could hear my thoughts.
10. i wish that mermaids existed so that i could be one.
11. i like to listen. even if someone isn't talking to me, i just really, really like listening.
12. one of my favorite things to do is catch snippets of other peoples conversations and then make up the rest of the conversation, or make up their story.
13. i don't like watching movies.
14. i love to read Real Simple(magazine)
15. when i was little i would make up new names for myself, for awhile i was katie, then i was jo
16. i should be a freshman in college...but i'm not.
17. i like glitter a whole lot.
18. i wish that i went to KU. rock chalk. i miss kansas.
19. i have more jack johnson on my ipod than any other artist.
20. if i could pick anyones brain it would be tina fey and amy poehler. funniest women alive.

1 comment:

  1. 13. I had no idea! Prefer t.v. show episodes on dvd?

    14. Also had no idea - Jenny L. has gotten me a subscription the last couple years and I've been meaning to go through them & clip the ideas I want then get rid of them. I will pass them on to you!

    20. They are hilarious. Josh & I got the best of amy poehler on netflix a few days ago and it was awesome.
