Tuesday, February 21, 2012

moments of impact.

so this is something i've been thinking about blogging about for awhile and have just not really had the time to, cause the truth is it's something that's really, really important to me and therefore its not something that i want to speak of flippantly. so what is this subject? ok, well more than a subject its a group of people who have collectively made a bigger impact on my life than any others. they have been a part of my life for roughly 6 years, some more, some less. they have taught me how to love like Christ loves. they have taught me how to lead. they have taught me how to grow. they have taught how to not take life too seriously. they have taught me patience and grace and forgiveness and kindness in ways that i never could have learned without them. they are beautiful and funny and smart and they love Jesus so so much. i have seen them grow and develop and learn and become their own people. they are some of the most important people in my life. because of them i have been challenged to simultaneously grow up and hold onto my youth. i could honestly go on for days writing of all of the things that this group of people have taught me. it is truly incredible how the Lord chooses the perfectly flawed people that He does in order to reveal Himself to us.

anyway i suppose i am due and introduction. its about time i reveal the mystery of those whom i write about. whats funny is that as i sit here writing this i am waiting for one of them. perfect timing.
here they are:
 left to right: emily, molly, hope, mandy, sara pascoe, me, sara reidy, katie, savannah
 l to r: meredith, christine, emily, molly, katie, sara, me, hannah
(l to r: katie, christine, me, molly, hope, sara pascoe, sara reidy)
(not pictured: lauren mcgrath and chandler buckingham)
yes very obviously i am referring to my cell group girls. For those who aren't familiar with cell groups they are small groups from Fellowship Bible Chruch. i lead, with 3 other leaders, the Rogers 11th grade girls and they are truly my heart and soul. i seriously never knew that i had the capacity to love anyone as much as i love these girls. for some reason when i was in the 10th grade fellowship allowed me to start leading these precious girls, who were then in the 6th grade. but from the first day that i met them i know from the bottom of my heart that these girls would become an integral part of my life. Boy was that accurate. i love them so much. because of these girls i've been pushed to my limit both physically and emotionally. i've been to tennessee, colorado, and belize with them. i've gotten to see them minister to inner city kids, jungle kids, and kids in their own church. i've gotten to work alongside them even as an equal in ministry and leadership and as i type these thoughts i can't help but have tears in my eyes. i'm sure that to the rest of the world this all sounds like a great sentiment, but i tell you, it is so much more than that. it is inexplicable. i don't think that you can understand Jesus until He's placed you in the position of doing what He did, of making disciples, and it is terrifying and joyous and humbling when i think that because of these girls i have gotten to do that. i don't know why Jesus chose me and them and placed us all together around Him, but its the greatest joy of my life.
To brag on these girls they are amazing, they are seeking Jesus and serving Jesus and living for Jesus day to day. they are passionate and caring and merciful and they LOVE people. they really really do and that is the part that brings me the most joy. I don't know what Jesus' plan for these girls is, but i can tell you one, they are going to go on to do far more than i could ever ask or imagine. i wouldn't be surprised if Jesus used these girls to change the world. they are revolutionaries. they are bright and bold and passionate and abandoned for Him. they are ready to be cut loose on the world. they are the coolest and they are humble and they don't love the world. all of them want Jesus more than they want comfort or status. gosh. i could talk for days.

all of this is simply to say: girls, thank you.
thank you for changing my life.
thank you for letting Jesus use me in your lives, and thank you for letting Jesus use you in my life.
you are some of my best friends, honestly and you will remain a part of my life forever. seriously.
i would not be who i am if it were not for you.
thank you for making me who i am.
love you all with all that is within me, and then some.


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