Friday, March 16, 2012

cold hands (warm heart)

that title has nothing to do with this post, it's just a line from a song that i really love by Brendan Benson, the song isn't really a happy one, but it always makes me happy...cause i'm a weirdo.

I thought i'd take a study break and let out some pent up creativity in the form of writing, yet i truly have zero inspiration, so i'll do a T5. those are fun.

T1: today is the last day of school before spring break, and i only have one more class before i'm done, unfortunately i have a test, but hey, that means i'll get out early right? so its a win-lose-win.

T2: I woke up at 6:30 this morning to make breakfast for some friends(we had family breakfast) and though i was horrified to get up at that time, i quickly realized that waking up at 6:30 is awesome. i feel so so good. i decided that i should always wake up that early. awesome.

T3: so heres a great thing. lately i've been really overwhelmed by my spanish class cause lets be honest, learning another language is difficult, especially since the english language is quickly becoming my specialty, i'm extremely english minded, and not wired for another language. Anyway i was sitting in class this morning and all of the sudden God hit me with a revelation that gave me a new love and appreciation for spanish. here it is: how amazing is it that there are more people that speak other languages than me, than there are that speak the same language as i do. and God speaks to all of them in their languages. He created every single language and dialect. what? that's so awesome and incredible. God is so stinking creative. i had never really thought about because i have a minimal appreciation for languages other than my own, but no God has shown me Himself in language, and because of that i kind of have a new love for it. He has been so faithful to help me get back into my love for learning and i am so thankful. If He made it, i should desire to know about it and love it.

T4: lately i have been thinking about my future husband, if the Lord has that in my future, and i've been thinking about how i'll probably never get married because i am the most boring human being on the planet. so folks if you know any banjo playing, bearded men who would be content to go to museums and watch documentaries and Tom Hanks films(specifically Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan films...but really i just like Tom a lot) and go on hikes and sit in coffee shops and read me books and take road trips for as long as we both shall live then send him my way. i'll snatch that boy before he realizes what he's getting himself into. my philosophy is never give them a chance to say no. but not really. maybe.

T5: music. that's another thing, kind of like language, that although i do not understand and am not wired for, i completely love. I love that God created people with brains that make and understand music. i've been listening to a lot of classical music lately and it just completely blows my mind to think about someone sitting down and composing a piece of music for an entire orchestra. i haven't even attempted any form music since i was in choir in the 8th grade, and i have never been able to read music, cause i just really don't understand it...kind of like math, but its always been something that has just amazed me and as i get older my appreciation of music, good music, has grown substantially. i love music. thank you Lord for music.

welp. that was fun.for me at least. glad i'm thinking deep today. blame it on the 5 hours of sleep.


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