Monday, November 26, 2012

bear cub

dear bear cub,
someday you will grow up.
someday you will realize the reality of the beauty and pain of this wood.
someday you will be beaten and broken.
someday your mother will no longer wipe your tears and mend your wounds.
someday your father will no longer be your provider.
those tasks will become your own. those responsibilities will rest on your shoulders.
but my dear, that day is far away.
today you are a cub, you are a child.
today you are brimming with life and innocence and freedom.
today you are pure.
my cub, live fully.
run. play. explore. imagine. dream.
dream today, before the world becomes limited.
dream today, while your heart still believes in magic.
dream today, while there is still light before your eyes.
today allow the world to be beautiful and limitless and good.
tomorrow the world may grow dark and try to swallow you.
but never forget the world you saw today, the world of light and love and magic.
someday the wolves will taunt you. they will
tell you that that world, your world does not exist. that it is nothing but a childish dream.
pay no mind to their pique.
when you reach the dusk, don't forget the things your young eyes saw at dawn.
the rivers and streams which once provided for you, will grow choppy and the waters will rise.
but my dear, you know how to swim, even if the best you can do is keep your head above the water, you must never give in.
today your eyes are fresh.
they have yet to see the shadows that lie beyond the cave.
always remember that this world was made for you.
made for you to love and delight in.
even when the darkness creeps in, the light promises to return.
the night will end.
the day will break.
the darkness will not last forever.
take heart my cub.
today is closing.
your someday is drawing near.
your eyes will see the dark, but they must never loose their glimmer.
for the protector of the wood will return.
He will bring with Him the light of the day.
He will take you from the turbulent waters.
He will carry you on His shoulders, up to the mountain of mercy.
He will keep you and protect you.
you will be His cub. forever.
keep your eyes on the mountain my cub.
your help is on His way.

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