1. i got an A on my final paper for my Modern American Literature class. Which means if i get an A on the final I'll get an A in the class...hallelujah.
2. last day of classes until August 22nd...nuff said.
3. thrift store shopping which resulted in a VHS copy of my favorite Mary-Kate and Ashley movie It Takes Two. now this is a big deal cause i loved the movie as a kid and we recorded from tv, but its missing the first 15 minutes, which always broke my heart. now i have it. also i love VHS, something about it makes me smile. so simple.
4. snow cones. honestly whats not to love? my perfect day involves bike riding and snow cone consumption...quick way to my heart? sing phil collins and buy me a snow cone.
5. foam party at the dojo. even though it got shut down by the cops it was still a blast and tiffany pennington was there. great time with friends, old and new. plus who doesn't love dancing in 2 feet of foam? nothin but net.
1. sleeping till 10:30...i haven't done that since...ever.(still only got 8 hours cause i didn't go to bed till 2...oh well)
2. lunch with mandie and wil, sweet john brown friends that always bring a smile to my face.
3. spending time with my cell girls. they are easily some of my favorite people alive. today we went to hope's soccer game and had some sweet time just being together. i love it. i will miss them so so so so so much this summer. they are my greatest gift from God. He knows me so well.
4. Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium. if you haven't seen it, watch it. makes me cry everytime. i'm a sucker for whimsy. it may be a children's movie but don't be fooled, its got some good stuff in there.
5. sitting in my bed reading harry potter 4. i haven't had a second to read anything but a school book all semester and have been sitting on page 347 of HP4 since Christmas break, its so nice to finally have time to do some leisure reading...i'm such an english major.
thats it.
"So many doors opening and closing - it's like a tornado some days. Almost as if the universe is clapping."

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