1-lunch with jessica tolan and kelly johnson. my lovely friends and future roommates. it was our last lunch before we all go our ways for the summer, won't see either of them till august...sad.
2-chipotle. i love burritos. also garland autry was there. whats better?
3- maddox cash crossland was particularly charming today. love that little boy.
4-oliver and company. an old favorite disney movie that we never owned when i was little. i recently found it on VHS at Goodwill. best ever. watching it now.
5-chris albritton, ben hartness, and james mix. some of my favorite boys to hang out with. they crack me up. loved unexpectedly spending time with them today
5.5- today i listened to First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes on the way to fay, and then i was on stumbleupon tonight and the music video came up. booyah.(weird video though, not a fan)
"Hey man, if this is torture, chain me to da wall"
-tito from oliver and company.

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