Day Four: a picture of your favorite night

ok, so back in high school...a solid 2 years ago tiffany pennington and i were OBSESSED with the jonas brothers, namely Joe and Nick. and when i say obsessed i mean obsessed. i mean, i own all there music. i know every word to every song. i've seen every music video. i know all there info. OH and we've been to 2 concerts, one which we traveled 10 hours for....
in this picture we were waiting for the concert to start, we had already been there since like 10 o'clock that morning and by now it was roughly 2 hours before SHOW TIME. this is my favorite picture from my favorite, 2 random guys we met outside of the BOK center who looked awesome so we took a picture with them. anyway the night was awesome cause we loved the jo bros, we made some incredible memories, and it made us even closer. loved every single moment of that entire day and it continues to be one of my favorite memories from high school. sure it was silly and we spent a lot of money, but i would never trade the amazing time with one of my best friends.
-we stalked the jobros
-we got lost in down town tulsa
-we danced for hours
-we took pictures with random people and statues
-we got the attention of the jonas brothers(we made them laugh cause we were dancing crazy)
best ever.
-abbie lay.
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