Day 5: picture of your favorite memory

so, this is a picture from my mission trip to Belize last summer. I am in love with this picture. It brings joy to my heart every time i see it because it reminds me of the love that Christ was able to share with needy children through myself and a group of 8th and 9th graders, its powerful stuff. God revealed Himself so much to me through the trip and proved Himself so faithful and my love for Him and His children deepened so so much. I miss these beautiful faces and the sweet hearts that are attached to them. my team was incredible and i loved being able to share the experience with students that i have been privileged enough to pour into for the past 4 years, God is faithful and that is why Belize is one of my favorite memories. It will always be remembered as the time that God showed up and showed off His faithfulness and grace. seriously my heart overflows with love for Him.
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