Monday, February 28, 2011

live from new york, its saturday night.

Day 6: a picture of someone you would trade places with for a day

boomtown. duh it would be Tina Fey. I know its sounds silly and you're probably thinking that there are thousands of people who make an impact in the lives of the lost and hurting that i could want to trade places with, but the fact of the matter is that tina fey is the funniest woman in america. i love funny. funny is a big part of my life. come on, the woman is playing a typewriter for crying out loud. she's hilarious, she's a brilliant writer, she's smart, she's in one of my all time favorite movies(Baby Mama). but this does have conditions, i would want to trade places with her in the past, i would want to live her life on a saturday night when she was still a cast member on SNL. She's the best of the best and i LOVE her. tina fey, you might just be one of my heroes. thanks for making me laugh and reminding me that sometimes girls can be just as funny as boys. i appreciate your inspiration.

-abbie fey...its a sign. tina fey rhymes with abbie lay.

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