T6 for good measure.
1-i leave for camp tomorrow. bittersweet. just praying that the Lord does work and that i essentially get to sit back and watch Him in action. please be praying for me this summer that the Lord supplies for my needs and that i never stop seeking Him. He knows what i need, He is faithful, just pray that i remain faithful in return.
2-my wonderful, adorable, amazing parents have officially been married for 30 years. crazy. their marriage is such a beautiful blessing and example in my life. if it has taught me anything it is that your marriage isn't just a commitment to another person, but a commitment to the Lord, therefore no matter how hard or painful or frustrating it gets you never walk away, ever. thank you mom and dad for loving the Lord enough to keep loving each other through it all. i know my life and your life will be blessed by the integrity of your marriage.(p.s. my parents are happy and love eac other...no worries.
3- family dinners. tonight the family hit P.F. Changs and TCBY for a little family time to celebrate the rents anniversary and my last night before camp. lets just say awesome. i love my family so so much and am so blessed by them and the time we have together. God truly gave me the best when it comes to family. only wish my brother michael could have been there. i miss him beyond belief. good ol' Florida had to steal him away.
4-steriod shots. i have ridiculously bad seasonal allergies. mostly in the spring, sometimes fall. but the point is that today i got a steriod shot to help with my allergies before i head off to camp...and its the best. i hate shots. but i love steriod shots. lifesavers. i feel like a million bucks compared to yesterday. thank God for modern medicine.
5-my cell group. we had a cell group retreat this past weekend and it was one of the best times i've ever had with those girls. i adore every single one of them for so so so many reasons. they are amazing and blow me away and i love knowing their hearts even more than before. i am so blessed. holy smokes.
6-i found out what activity classes i'm teaching this summer at new life. H2WHOA! and Olympiad. holy moly. i'm stoked. H2WHOA is the most hilarious activity class ever cause its for junior campers and its awesome, and olympiad is gonna be da best. i can't wait.
-1 i miss my friends a lot. i had a bunch a friendships really strengthen and grow towards the end of the semester and now all of my friends are gone for the summer. i miss them. YAY FOR NEW FRIENDS AT CAMP!
7- did i mention senior retreat before? cause i'm sure i did but its worth another honorable mention. take my word for it. best.
-abbie lay.
write me letters at camp!
Abbie Lay
160 New Life Ranch Drive
Colcord, OK
have a blessed summer.