Sunday, December 5, 2010

Filled with wonder

December 4 – Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year?

So i realize this prompt was meant for yesterday, but there are some days where you are not on the computer at all, therefore making it difficult to blog. Its all a viscious cycle really. Now, on to the point.
There have been many times that i have been filled with wonder over the past 11 1/2 months, but none stand out more than the moment that i realized that I realized that in this life i long for one thing beyond any Earthly desire. I long for eternity.
I was sitting in chapel at JBU during the spring semester of 2010 and there was a song called you hold me now that was being played. The gist of the song was that someday we will be joined with the Lord for eternity but for now while we are on Earth He is holding us and guiding us and loving us and no matter what happens we can handle it because we have Him! WHAT? come on, why would you not want to be completely in love and in awe of a God who loves beyond reason and gives hope for both now and the future. holy moly. how do you even process that. now hear me out since the day I accepted Christ I have known that I am promised eternity, but it simply hit me on that day that I want to live for eternity. I want to live everyday as if tomorrow I am going home to be with my Lord, what a beautiful sense of urgency. What a beautiful sign of wonder.


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