Wednesday, December 8, 2010

something beautiful

December 8 – Beautifully Different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful

well if anyone knows me they know that i am quite different! In an interview once, when asked what made her so funny, lucille ball responded by saying, "i'm not funny, i'm bold." I think that kinda sums it up. I think what makes me so different is that i'm bold. I might get scared to try new things, but its my boldness that forces me to carry through. I hate the thought of missing out on experiences that might be great or beautiful. I think that one part of me that lights people up is the way that my boldness manifests itself in relationships. Sure my boldness might make me funny or witty or sarcastic cause i'm not afraid of what people will say, but i think it takes even more boldness and courage to be and do what doesn't come naturally. Its easy for me to be funny and silly, whats more difficult is having the boldness to calm down and allow God to use me as a blessing in someones life. God has been teaching me a lot this past year that there is more about me that people value than just my humor. I know that it sounds silly but it is the truth, God's really been showing me how to let Him be what's bold and beautiful in me. I don't know, probably none of this makes sense, but i think the beautiful things are the things that are difficult, the still, quiet, and gentle spirit(which i am trying to grow). Thats about it! Have a lovely dead day!
-abbie lay

1 comment:

  1. Love this Abbie! so good! His power is made PERFECT through our weaknesses, so we can boast about our weaknesses and let HIM be what's beautiful in us. You are a great writer!
